Toggle Trivia On or Off

This feature enables you to ignore the trivia bot along with all the associated comments from users playing the trivia game and querying the trivia bot, including slot machine plays as well as Urban dictionary and IMDb queries.

Perds Button

This shows the current leader board (perdators) and the current contents your "perd" wallet.

Perd Commands

$handout - Use this command once per hour, gives a random number of perds, good luck!

$giveperds <username> - Use this command if you are feeling charitable, or if your conscious is getting the best of you after "stealing" an answer.

To give more than one perd to another user just append a space and number.

$giveperds <username> 5 - Is an example of giving five perds.

NOTE: Be aware that giving perds SUBTRACTS said perds from your wallet.

Spending Your Perds

$prizes - Lists all available prizes and associated costs.

$drink - (5 perds) - allows you to make a drink call via imdb bot.

$intense - (10 perds) - allows you to make "intense" text.

Slot Machine

  • $slots - This will initiate the slot machine with a default bet of 1 perd.
  • $slots <#> - This will initiate the slot machine with a user selectable bet.

Note: Slot use is limited to one play per hour, make it count.

Trivia Commands


  • $trivia - This command is used to get a question. It's functionality is different based on when it is used.


No question in play and delay time expired:
Triviabot will present a new question.

Question currently in play and delay time time not expired:
Triviabot will list the current question as well as how long is left until the next question.

Question currently in play and delay time IS expired:
Triviabot will give a new question.

No question in play and delay time not expired:
Triviabot will show the time until the next question.

  • $a or $answer - Will send an answer to the bot $a <answer>. Doesn't really need much explaining.
  • $perds - If typed by itself it will display the score of the user who typed it, if typed with another users name for example $score Bdizzle , it will display the score of that user.
  • $top3 - To show the top 3 users and scores.
  • $hint - Will display a hint to the user which contains the number of words in the answers, the first letter and the number of characters in each word. This command becomes available after the bot receives 10 incorrect answer.
  • $category - This command displays the current category and available categories, if there is a theme night and a mod has locked the category it will return a message saying so. It will also allow users to change the category if they are on a 3 question streak (and the category is not locked).
  • $category <category> - Change category with a streak of 3 or more correct questions.

Movie Information (Imdbbot)

  • $actors <movie title>  (starring actors)
  • $rating <movie title>  (IMDb/Rotten Tomatoes rating)
  • $plot <movie title> (plot summary with a hover over spoiler mask)
  • $director <movie title>
  • $runtime <movie title>
  • $writer <movie title>
  • $year <movie title>

Note: imdbbot is not always accurate, especially when there are multiple movies with the same title, if you find you are getting the wrong information try calling it with the year as well. For example: $rating avatar 2009

Just For Fun(WZRDBOT)

  • $8ball <question> - gives you an answer from a magic 8 ball.
  • $ask <question> - gives you a yes or no answer.
  • $quote <username> - will give you a quote from that user.
  • $dice <num1> <num2> - will roll dice; num1 is number of die, num2 is number of sides. example: $dice 1 100 is one 100-sided dice.
  • $choose <thing1> <thing2> - will help you choose something.
  • $anagram <phrase> - will give you an anagram of your phrase.
  • $talk <phrase> - have a conversation :) (wzrdbot3 only)
  • $weather <zip code>  (please keep the spamming of weather reports to a minimum)


These commands will only work while the bots are online.
If you are annoyed by any of the bots feel free to right click on the username(s) and select ignore user.